Friday, October 17, 2008

Acid Reflux Relief - Medications

On August 28, 2008, released an article titled 5 Acid Reflux Medications: Which One is Best for You? In no particular order, below you will find their top 5 medications:

  • Antacids

  • Oral Suspension Medicines
  • Anti-Gas, Anti-Flatulence
  • H-2-Receptor Blockers
  • Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)

Most people will have a mild case of Acid Reflux and will seek relief from an over the counter medication. Most antacids you can find this way. The most common is Tums, Maalox, Rolaids and Mylanta. These medications have been around for many years and are household names so they are easy to identify.

There are those who may not opt for chewable medications and may look to those that are liquids. Pepto Bismol and Carafate would fall under that category. These have also been used for the treatment of heartburn and indigestion as well as other symptoms. These will coat the esophagus so the effectiveness is very temporary.

To counter act the side effects of having too much acid comes the oh so embarrassing gas. If you have a dog, poor dog. They get blamed for the smell most of the time. But we all know that they are not always the culprit. Beano, Gas-X and Phazyme are newer names in this category.

Pepcid AC and Zantac use to be prescription medications that are now accessible over the counter. These will have longer lasting effects than the antacids but may take a while to kick in.

Now on to the PPIs. Prilosec, Prevacid and Nexium have had huge marketing campaigns. The demographics for these were typically those that watched LMN, TNT, USA. Ok so lets just say the mature crowd. The side effects of these medications would take up a minimum of 30 - 40 seconds of the commercials.

So, after looking at these medications that individuals would take for Acid Reflux Relief wouldn't you want something simpler and less complicated. Not to mention easier on your system?

Always, check with you doctor before taking any medications and always be informed about your health and your choices.

If you found the information provided useful and would like to learn more about an easier way to relief, then I'd like for you to go and get your free Acid Reflux Relief Report.

Article Source:

Health News:

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