Sunday, October 5, 2008

Babies and Acid Reflux

Actually, the last folks to have lifestyle issues as a cause for Acid Reflux are babies.

More than half of all babies have to deal with acid reflux during there first three months of life. Symptoms of acid reflux include coughing, spitting, irritability, vomiting, blood in feces, and discomfort when feeding. While experiencing these symptoms, the baby tends to be very cranky and cries uncontrollably, probably at least partly owing to the fact that they are unable to explain their pain to the people caring for them.

This condition is most frequently referred to as colic and is very common.

While medications exist, that may be given to babies at ages greater than six weeks, doctors often discourage the use of these, for patients so small, with such limited experience of the world, and recommend some other solutions.

Special pillows against which their heads can be propped turn out to be an excellent method to stop acid reflux in babies. You can get these pillows at stores selling baby items.

One of the more typical causes of acid reflux in babies is consuming dairy products. Young children all develop slightly differently and some of their digestive systems simply arent capable of breaking down dense milk formulas. If you believe that your child is suffering from acid reflux, speak with the doctor that has cared for them since birth about possible food related causes.

All of us humans have a nerve called the Vagus nerve that runs close to the Esophageal Sphincter. This nerve often triggers "throwing up" and other traumatic events. Sometimes, chiropractic treatments are successful in a given baby's situation, and bring relief.

Creamy liquid calcium also decreases the severity of symptoms that a baby is experiencing. Its soothing texture will help the child to heal as they drink the calcium.

Babies who frequently spit up food may be doing so as a result of acid reflux. This can become very dangerous, even deadly. If a baby spits up too often or uncontrollably, it can cause them to stop breathing suddenly while they are sleeping, a condition called sleep apnea. The very first time that a child shows any signs of sleep apnea, they should be taken to see their pediatrician right away.

Some "lifestyle" things to follow in case of babies are elevating the head of the baby's crib, holding the baby upright for 30 minutes after a feeding and rubbing its back.. What also may work well is thickening the bottle feedings with cereal (do not do this without a doctor's supervision), changing feeding schedules, and trying solid food (with your doctor's approval).

At the end of the day, one tries to avoid medications like Zantac for such little children.

By: Frank Robson

Article Directory:

Are you searching for a cure for acid reflux but aren't sure what works and what doesn't? Visit the Reflux Renegade website for lots of helpful information about the symptoms, causes and remedies for acid reflux, heartburn and GERD.

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Acid Reflux Cures and Causes