Sunday, November 30, 2008

Acid Reflux Bad Breath Prevention Experts Highly Recommend

Cases of acid reflux being reported to doctors are on the rise today, and not only are they noticing more and more cases but they're also noting that cases seem to be more severe as well. Of course there are a variety of reasons why so many have this painful and dangerous condition, and understanding those reasons is the first step toward acid reflux bad breath prevention.

There are many things you can do to hide or cover up your bad breath but usually prevention is a much better option! Realizing where the halitosis is coming from and how it's connected with acid reflux is the key to understanding acid reflux bad breath prevention. It's important because remedies and fixes for other causes of bad breath just aren't going to be as effective when it comes to bad breath caused by acid reflux, and no one wants to waste time or money on useless fixes for anything.

So when consider acid reflux bad breath prevention, it's important to understand how the two are related in the first place.

You may already know that acid reflux is the condition wherein stomach acid gets regurgitated past the opening of the stomach and goes back up into the esophagus. Sometimes it even travels as far as the throat and mouth. This is the connection between halitosis and acid reflux; bad breath prevention steps that you might take when your breath is caused by germs and bacteria aren't usually going to be as effective in these cases.

When you brush, floss and rinse your mouth you definitely get out food particles that are decaying and causing bad breath, but this isn't the same as acid reflux bad breath prevention. When those stomach acids travel back up the esophagus and reach as far as the throat and mouth, they coat the breath and cause halitosis.

Not only does the stomach acid itself have a bad odor but the process of food breaking down also contributes to this problem. These stomach acids are taking with them the odor of the foods in your stomach. You may notice that when you eat spicy foods your breath is different than when you eat meat or dairy. All these chemical processes involved in digestion affect the breath, but fortunately the best treatment options for acid reflux bad breath prevention are typically the same.

Experts usually recommend the best course of action for acid reflux bad breath prevention is to adjust one's diet as much as possible. You may hate the idea of giving up your spicy foods or red meat, but these foods contribute not just to bad breath but to the acid reflux that can hurt your entire system as well.

If you can't cut out these foods entirely, considering at least cutting down on your consumption of them. When having a spicy dish or a nice steak, reduce your serving size. Being mindful of your diet in this regard will help with acid reflux bad breath prevention.

Very often acid reflux is caused not just by what you eat by how much as well. The stomach produces acid in accordance with how much food it needs to digest at the moment and more food means more acid. Part of acid reflux bad breath prevention will then mean not forcing your stomach to produce all that excessive acid in the first place.

Another thing that will help you with acid reflux bad breath prevention is to drink plenty of water during your meals and throughout the day. Water helps the body to break down and move it along the digestive tract, so as this happens those stomach acids will be reduced and quelled. You don't want to gulp down water but should make it part of your meals and everyday routine. This might not seem like much by way of acid reflux bad breath prevention but helping your digestive process along can also help with the prevention of bad breath.

There are even many acid reflux bad breath prevention methods recommended by experts that are all-natural. For example parsley is a natural digestive aid which helps to settle the stomach and clean the mouth as well. Milk thistle is thought to clean out toxins from the digestive system. Silica also is said to aid digestion and to quell stomach acids.

Fennel seeds are also used to help the stomach, as is bee pollen. Odorless garlic and also help with acid reflux bad breath prevention as it encourages the good bacteria needed in the digestive system which in turn breaks down food and moves it along the intestines.

If you're looking for a homeopathic remedy and acid reflux bad breath prevention you should consider if you have other symptoms as well. Chronic indigestion, constipation, and other digestive disorders can be a signal of other symptoms that should be addressed along with your acid reflux and bad breath.

There are some prescription medications for acid reflux bad breath prevention that your doctor can recommend. Usually these contain an amount of chlorophyll which acts as a neutralizer for excessive stomach acid. Over the counter medications for indigestion and sour stomach typically contain an amount of chlorophyll; medication prescribed by the doctor usually has a higher concentration and should be used exactly as instructed.

A common mistake that many people make when it comes to acid reflux bad breath prevention is to try to overcorrect the problem and they take too many remedies or too much of any medication.

With all these medications and remedies available for acid reflux bad breath prevention, you may be wondering which one is the most commonly recommended by experts. In truth, making changes to your diet on your own is what many doctors and experts recommend! If you can cut back on the spicy and difficult to digest foods and be mindful of your portion sizes, you may have more success with acid reflux bad breath prevention than you would with any medication.

I hate bad breath especially bad breath caused by acid reflux.

However, I managed to cure my bad breath by doing the things I now share with you. I feel great and I smell much better than I used to. Find out what you can do about your bad breath and get a free report that helps you identify the major causes of bad breath that you need to know to treat your bad breath. Visit today!

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