Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Acid Reflux Food: The Good and the Bad

Acid reflux disorder is a condition that affects a huge proportion of the adult population. Its symptoms are brought about by the inflammation or even erosion (for serious cases) of the esophageal wall lining due to the backflow of the digestive liquids with stomach acid as its main destructive component. How it happens? Well, the main reason for suffering such condition is a dysfunctional lower esophageal sphincter or LES. An ineffective LES may be described to be weak and easily gets by-passed by the contents of the stomach being digested or relaxes without being in sync with the swallowing mechanism of the sufferer.

With the digestion tract as the main body part that is affected by acid reflux, food is an important factor that needs preferential planning. Certain components found in some type of food may cause the condition to aggravate. To prevent the uncomfortable and painful symptoms, enlisted are some of the food that would be best limited, if not completely avoided:

. Acidic fruits and juices such as lemon or lemonade, orange, grapefruit and tomato (including all forms of tomato products

. Raw onions and garlic

. Creamy and oily foods, like rich dairy products and meals prepared as fastfood.

. Hi-fat indulgences like chips, chocolate, doughnuts, cakes, and cookies.

. Greasy meat such as chicken nuggets, marbled sirloins, buffalo wings.

. Beverages that are alcoholic, caffeinated, and carbonated.

Reading through the list might get you thinking how hard it would be to plan a diet that may contain healthy acid reflux food as most of the more tempting ones are already voided. But take note, the food triggers of the disorder is as complex as its symptoms. They affect different patients in various ways. Some food included in the list may or may not affect you in the same way as it does with the general population of acid reflux sufferers.

There are also acid reflux foods that are safe, cause little to no threat at all in terms of triggering the symptoms. These include:

. Other fruits and vegetables

. Lean meat such as skinless chicken meat, extra-lean ground beef, fish, and London broil steaks.

. Low-fat or fat free dairy products

. Cereals and multi-grain or white bread

. Fat free sweets

Even if the enlisted are considered among the safest, everything including acid reflux food should be taken in moderation. You can also be able to enjoy just as tasty and healthy meals through altering the way you prepare your meal such as baking instead of frying, and using low-calorie sugar for making desserts.

By: Melvin Finn

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Protect your health. Know more about Acid Reflux Food.

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