Sunday, November 30, 2008

Acupuncture as an Acid Reflux Natural Remedy - Fact or Fiction?

With the risk of side effects and the desire to avoid chemicals and drugs, an acid reflux natural remedy is an attractive solution for many heartburn sufferers.

For this reason and the increased interest in Chinese Medicine many people wonder if there's evidence behind the acupuncture therapies that are offered by many practitioners.

Firstly, let me say that it's hard to tell whether acupuncture will work for you, as there are so many different causes of the condition and everyone reacts differently.

However, within the past few years, there has been significant interest in this topic by the medical community. For example a Taiwanese gastroenterologist recently undertook two acupuncture experiments that were designed to study the effectiveness of traditional eastern medicine as an acid reflux natural remedy.

The study was published in the August 2005 issue of the American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology by Dr. Duowu Zhou, Wei Hao Chen, Katsuhiko Iwakiri, Rachael Rigda, Marcus Tippett and Richard H. Holloway of the Royal Adelaide Hospital, Australia.

In the two experiments it was reported that the transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations (TLESR's), which directly effects acid reflux, were inhibited by electrical acupoint stimulation. This is a high-tech version of the traditional acupuncture procedure. The two experiments used stimulation that was barely felt on the Neiguan acupoint found on the wrist.

This stimulation reduced transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations by a surprising 40% from 6 an hour to just to three and a half an hour. It was also significantly higher than the placebo group, which received "sham" stimulation on the hip, which lowered TLESR's by only 0.02 times per hour.

Of course, whether or not acupuncture would work for you is dependent upon your own unique condition. You may want to try the therapy more than once to test whether or not it will be successful in your own case. You may also want to try traditional forms of acupuncture as an acid reflux natural remedy. It has also been shown to be successful and is typically less expensive than the electrical acupoint stimulation. Moreover, it is more likely to be covered by your health insurance policy.

Acupuncture has been an acid reflux natural remedy for over two thousand years in Chinese medicine. The traditional form has been used up until and including current times to battle the symptoms of GERD, including pain, burning, nausea, and vomiting. Modern research has suggested - as in the case of the experiments at the Royal Adelaide Hospital - that acupuncture functions by altering the way that nerve cells signal one another, and can influence the way the central nervous system releases certain chemicals in the body. It is the recent study, though, that is the first to give evidence that it can, indeed, benefit the function of the lower esophageal sphincter.

Though the study used electro-acupoint instead of the stimulation of needles as the acid reflux natural remedy, the researchers don't see any reason that they should not offer similar results overall as they both apply stimulation to a specific acupuncture point.

As an alternative to acupuncture, with needles or electric stimulation, you could try acupressure. This involves applying pressure on acupuncture points with your fingers and thumbs. You could try this at home by applying pressure to the Neiguan or P6 point on your wrist. This is located on the inside of the wrist between the 2 large tendons. To find the spot for this acid reflux natural remedy hold your hand out and bend it toward you, the Neiguan or P6 point is in the middle of the wrist about two finger-widths from where the hand and wrist meet.

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Grab your free copy of Kathryn Whittaker's brand new Acid Reflux & GERD Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover effective acid reflux natural remedy options.

There are currently over 20,000 fellow acid reflux sufferers subscribed to Kathryn's newsletter why not join them and discover acid reflux relief fast.

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Acid Reflux Bad Breath Prevention Experts Highly Recommend

Cases of acid reflux being reported to doctors are on the rise today, and not only are they noticing more and more cases but they're also noting that cases seem to be more severe as well. Of course there are a variety of reasons why so many have this painful and dangerous condition, and understanding those reasons is the first step toward acid reflux bad breath prevention.

There are many things you can do to hide or cover up your bad breath but usually prevention is a much better option! Realizing where the halitosis is coming from and how it's connected with acid reflux is the key to understanding acid reflux bad breath prevention. It's important because remedies and fixes for other causes of bad breath just aren't going to be as effective when it comes to bad breath caused by acid reflux, and no one wants to waste time or money on useless fixes for anything.

So when consider acid reflux bad breath prevention, it's important to understand how the two are related in the first place.

You may already know that acid reflux is the condition wherein stomach acid gets regurgitated past the opening of the stomach and goes back up into the esophagus. Sometimes it even travels as far as the throat and mouth. This is the connection between halitosis and acid reflux; bad breath prevention steps that you might take when your breath is caused by germs and bacteria aren't usually going to be as effective in these cases.

When you brush, floss and rinse your mouth you definitely get out food particles that are decaying and causing bad breath, but this isn't the same as acid reflux bad breath prevention. When those stomach acids travel back up the esophagus and reach as far as the throat and mouth, they coat the breath and cause halitosis.

Not only does the stomach acid itself have a bad odor but the process of food breaking down also contributes to this problem. These stomach acids are taking with them the odor of the foods in your stomach. You may notice that when you eat spicy foods your breath is different than when you eat meat or dairy. All these chemical processes involved in digestion affect the breath, but fortunately the best treatment options for acid reflux bad breath prevention are typically the same.

Experts usually recommend the best course of action for acid reflux bad breath prevention is to adjust one's diet as much as possible. You may hate the idea of giving up your spicy foods or red meat, but these foods contribute not just to bad breath but to the acid reflux that can hurt your entire system as well.

If you can't cut out these foods entirely, considering at least cutting down on your consumption of them. When having a spicy dish or a nice steak, reduce your serving size. Being mindful of your diet in this regard will help with acid reflux bad breath prevention.

Very often acid reflux is caused not just by what you eat by how much as well. The stomach produces acid in accordance with how much food it needs to digest at the moment and more food means more acid. Part of acid reflux bad breath prevention will then mean not forcing your stomach to produce all that excessive acid in the first place.

Another thing that will help you with acid reflux bad breath prevention is to drink plenty of water during your meals and throughout the day. Water helps the body to break down and move it along the digestive tract, so as this happens those stomach acids will be reduced and quelled. You don't want to gulp down water but should make it part of your meals and everyday routine. This might not seem like much by way of acid reflux bad breath prevention but helping your digestive process along can also help with the prevention of bad breath.

There are even many acid reflux bad breath prevention methods recommended by experts that are all-natural. For example parsley is a natural digestive aid which helps to settle the stomach and clean the mouth as well. Milk thistle is thought to clean out toxins from the digestive system. Silica also is said to aid digestion and to quell stomach acids.

Fennel seeds are also used to help the stomach, as is bee pollen. Odorless garlic and also help with acid reflux bad breath prevention as it encourages the good bacteria needed in the digestive system which in turn breaks down food and moves it along the intestines.

If you're looking for a homeopathic remedy and acid reflux bad breath prevention you should consider if you have other symptoms as well. Chronic indigestion, constipation, and other digestive disorders can be a signal of other symptoms that should be addressed along with your acid reflux and bad breath.

There are some prescription medications for acid reflux bad breath prevention that your doctor can recommend. Usually these contain an amount of chlorophyll which acts as a neutralizer for excessive stomach acid. Over the counter medications for indigestion and sour stomach typically contain an amount of chlorophyll; medication prescribed by the doctor usually has a higher concentration and should be used exactly as instructed.

A common mistake that many people make when it comes to acid reflux bad breath prevention is to try to overcorrect the problem and they take too many remedies or too much of any medication.

With all these medications and remedies available for acid reflux bad breath prevention, you may be wondering which one is the most commonly recommended by experts. In truth, making changes to your diet on your own is what many doctors and experts recommend! If you can cut back on the spicy and difficult to digest foods and be mindful of your portion sizes, you may have more success with acid reflux bad breath prevention than you would with any medication.

I hate bad breath especially bad breath caused by acid reflux.

However, I managed to cure my bad breath by doing the things I now share with you. I feel great and I smell much better than I used to. Find out what you can do about your bad breath and get a free report that helps you identify the major causes of bad breath that you need to know to treat your bad breath. Visit today!

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Friday, November 28, 2008

How to Treat Acid Reflux During Pregnancy

Why does a pregnant lady experience acid reflux during pregnancy? Pregnancy and acid reflux go hand in hand to some women, which occur because of the following acid reflux causes.

First, it's because of an increase of hormone production when the woman is gets pregnant. This will lead to softening of ligaments, which should keep the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) firmly closed, to keep the gastric acid and food from going up. But when the LES is over relaxed, this will let the gastric acid and food to reflux back to the esophagus and throat.

Second, acid reflux during pregnancy happens because the changes in the body and the development of the baby produce more pressure in the woman's stomach. Thus, the stomach contents are forced right into the LES, and then to the esophagus.

However, there are some methods that a pregnant woman can apply to diminish the discomfort brought by acid reflux. The following are good tips, although they may not get rid of the heartburn completely.

1. Don't eat food that triggers acid reflux. Examples of this are chocolates, spicy foods, citrus fruits and juices, mustard, tomatoes and tomato based products, fatty foods, fried foods, and highly seasoned dishes. Ask medical specialists to know the complete list of foods to avoid acid reflux and safe food that you may consume.

2. Get rid of drinks which contain caffeine, like tea, coffee, and soda. Too much of these can cause the LES to loosen and let the acid into the esophagus.

3. Stay away from alcoholic drinks. This, along with caffeine causes the LES to over rest, hence, producing the same effect - triggering off acid reflux.

4. Don't eat large meals. It is recommended that having some small meals throughout the day is better.

5. Don't be haste when eating your meals. Chewing food slowly will really help you keep off acid reflux, so better chew slowly.

6. Rest for at least three hours after taking your last meal before sleeping.

7. A pregnant woman is suggested to take at least 8 to 10 glasses each day, though this must be done not just during meals. Through this, the stomach will expand, and applying more pressure to the LES, obliging it to open inappropriately. Therefore, it is really recommended to drink more water and other fluids in between meals.

8. While sleeping elevate the head of the bed for at least six to eight inches. Try to sleep with an elevated head and shoulders through a wedge pillow. Through sleeping this way, the gravity will work very hard that it will hold the stomach acids in the stomach, not in the esophagus. Talk to a physician for more suggestions to avoid nighttime acid reflux.

9. Stay away from tight fitting apparel. Tightness around the waist and stomach will trigger acid reflux as it stimulates uneasiness.

10. When bending, do it at the knees, not at the waist. This will keep too much pressure from being applied in the stomach .

11. Don't slouch; rather sit erect in a relaxing chair.

12. Maintain a sensible reasonable body weight, because too much weight and fatness will give more stress in your stomach. As a result, this will force stomach contents throughout the LES and to the esophagus.

13. Avoid smoking. Doctors say smoking could bring several effects to a pregnant woman, including heartburn.

Acid reflux during pregnancy is a problem you can avoid if you know how. Apparently not all pregnant ladies encounter this condition, although pregnancy and acid reflux go together to a number of women.

Would you like to know the best natural acid reflux treatment? It's the ebook "Heartburn No More" by Jeff Martin, who has found a totally holistic way of curing acid reflux. This has helped thousands of other people get rid of their acid reflux forever, and you might, too. Read my review on it on my Acid Reflux Natural Cure lens.

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Controlling Acid Reflux - The Acid Alkaline Balanced Diet

According to medical experts, acid reflux (heartburn) or GERD can be easily treated or removed from your system by considering an alkaline diet.

Despite the existence of how-to's and guides in getting rid of your acid reflux and GERD problems, medical science believes that achieving this goal is easily done through understanding the purpose of acid and alkaline in the human body.

The Facts About Acid/Alkaline Balance Theory

It is advisable to understand the properties of acid and alkaline before we delve into the balance theory. For starters, acid is a substance that releases hydrogen molecules directly into a solution. Alkaline is considered as a base that removes hydrogen from it.

Our body requires acids in order to initiate some of its functions. Too much of this in the system, however, will result in problems such as:

• Decline in muscle contractibility and flexibility

• Increase of hormones, like adrenalin

• Acid Reflux (heartburn)

By balancing out acid and alkaline (a proper pH value of both substances) the body will be able to function normally and reduce the possibility of acid reflux.

How Acid and Alkaline Work In the Body

As an example, let's review the actual process of the digestive system. When food is ingested and passed to the stomach, this part of the digestive system will release gastric juices or hydrochloric acids to help digestion.

On the other hand, the pancreas will also release alkaline-based substances to counteract the acid in the stomach. Eating highly acidic food will eventually increase the acid content in the stomach, making it almost impossible for the pancreas to catch up to the level of acidity.

It is advisable for an individual to be aware of the food they eat. The higher the acidic content of the food ingested, the more acid will be stored in the stomach. The acid level build-up will eventually override the capability of the lower esophageal sphincter and backflow to the esophagus -- causing heartburn.

Acid Reflux And Balance Theory

By taking in foods that are rich in alkaline, especially in the case of acid reflux and GERD patients, the acid level in the stomach is reduced to a more tolerable level -- causing less stress to the LES. Foods high in alkaline are:

• Vegetables (barley, wheat, broccoli, cucumber, kale, etc.)

• Nuts and oils

Also, balancing the acid and alkaline in the human body will eventually help in the rejuvenation of an inflamed or infected esophagus -- which will eventually lead to acid reflux when left untreated.

Other Benefits of Eating Alkaline-rich Foods

Aside from being an alternative healing method for acid reflux and GERD, there are other benefits to be had in eating alkaline-rich foods such as:

• Increase the energy level. Too much acid in the system tends to lower the energy levels in the body -- restricting basic human movement and internal organ functionality.

• Alkaline is also known to be the perfect environment to help the body fight off infections and diseases. In most cases, bacteria, germs, molds, and fungi cannot survive in an alkaline environment, unlike an acidic body. Having high alkaline levels ensures an infection free body.

Balance Diet

It is advisable to incorporate a well-balanced diet to conform to the acid/alkaline balance theory. The first step is to reduce the intake of highly acidic foods that will increase the acid levels in your stomach. Also, individuals should integrate alkaline rich foods into their diet.

Large amounts of food in the body are known to increase the acidity levels in our digestive system. Again, it is advisable to avoid eating large meals that will overload the stomach, leading to more production of acids in the digestive system.

For more information about acid reflux disease and other digestive disorders, please visit Health Care Online at:

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nexium Acid Reflux- the Versatility of a Wonderful Relief Drug

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a very common occurrence in people of almost all age groups. The symptomatic treatment may vary with age of the patient as well as the severity of the problem. General GERD treatments for relief from the symptoms include drug therapy, lifestyle modification and dietary changes. Drug therapy includes administration of antacids, acid suppressants or acid blockers. Nexium acid reflux relief is highly recognized by the medical fraternity throughout the world, with most physicians prescribing this proton pump inhibitor drug to patients not only for obtaining relief from acid reflux and the consequent heartburn problem, but also for healing erosive esophagitis, relieving heartburn related chest pain and chronic laryngitis, which is caused due to prolonged period of suffering caused due to GERD. Other proton pump inhibitors such as aciphex, nexium, prevacid, prilosec, and protonix are also found to be equally effective in treating the problem of acid reflux.

Other GERD treatments for symptomatic relief include the use of antacids (such as tums and rolaids, which aid in neutralizing the excess acids present in the stomach) and histamine antagonists such as axid, pepcid, tagamet, or zantac, which suppress the excessive production of digestive acids in the stomach. Because of acid reflux mucus lining in the esophagus gets badly corroded, as a result of which the esophagus may develop ulcerations and sores. However, Nexium heals the painful ulcers that develop in the esophagus due to frequent episodes of acid reflux. It is because of this reason that Nexium acid reflux relief is considered better than the relief obtained from other drugs. None of the antacids or H2 receptors are capable of providing relief from acid reflux mucus layer damage and in healing the inner mucosal lining of the esophagus.

There are several heartburn home remedies, though, which provide complete cure from acid reflux disease. Few of these heartburn home remedies include using apple cider vinegar or using aloe vera, which also has great healing power to heal the painful ulcers that develop in the esophageal area, due to frequent episodes of acid reflux.

In some cases, despite the use of appropriate antacids and acid levels controlling drugs, such as Nexium acid reflux controlling drugs, the person continues to suffer from frequent episodes of reflux. In such cases, it becomes necessary for the patient to ascertain whether or not the reflux is being caused by the digestive acids that leak in from the stomach. In case the reflux is not caused by the digestive acids of the stomach, but because of some other agents produced from other organs, related to the alimentary tract, then such a condition is referred to as non acid reflux. This condition occurs when instead of the digestive juices, other substances such as the bile get refluxed into the esophagus. Proton pump inhibitor drugs, histamine antagonists or antacids will not be able to provide any relief in the case of non acid reflux. Even the very versatile Nexium will not be able to provide any relief in the case of non acid reflux. However, anti spasm medicines such as baclofen, are highly effective in preventing non acid reflux.

About the Author:

For more information on Acid Reflux Treatment, try visiting – it is a website offering solid tips and information on different acid reflux treatments and home remedies.

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Foods to Avoid for Acid Reflux Treatment

The common treatment for acid reflux is antacid but in most cases, medicine offers only immediate relief and sufferers must find a treatment that will serve as a long term cure. Lifestyle and diet change offers a cure for a longer term and could be a permanent solution for this digestive problem. Acid reflux is a digestive condition and the type of food that you eat will definitely affect your digestive problem. There are foods to avoid for acid reflux and it is important that you should know about it.

A proper diet for acid reflux is important to get rid of the disturbing symptoms of this digestive problem. Here are the foods to avoid for acid reflux treatment:

Avoid fast foods. Eating fast foods is not good for your health especially if you have acid reflux problem. Most fast foods are high in fats which encourages production of more acid in the stomach. Fast foods are certainly one of the foods to avoid for acid reflux treatment.

Avoid eating heavy meals. To avoid acid reflux attacks it is recommended to eat frequent small meals instead of eating three big meals a day. Large meals will encourage the stomach to produce more acid which could lead to acid reflux attacks. It is also advisable to have your last meal at night two hours before bedtime.

Limit or avoid alcohol. Alcohol relaxes or inhibits the tightening of esophageal sphincter, a muscle at the bottom of the esophagus. If the esophageal sphincter failed to tighten then the liquid content of the stomach goes to the esophagus.

Avoid foods that promote acid production. Other foods to avoid for acid reflux treatment are those foods that promote acid production. Acid forming foods include tomato based foods, citrus fruits, spicy foods and chocolates.

Avoid or limit caffeine. Coffee is one of the foods to avoid for acid reflux. For coffee drinkers it is best to avoid or limit the habit of drinking coffee to get rid of the painful symptoms of acid reflux. Coffee is highly acidic and may aggravate your digestive problem. Like alcohol, it also slows down the tightening of esophageal sphincter encouraging the occurrence of acid reflux.

Knowing what foods to avoid for acid reflux treatment will help you avoid attacks. Changes in your diet is one part of your treatment but there are also other natural methods that you can do to get rid of acid reflux for good. Discover an easy-to-follow natural treatment for acid reflux visit Stop Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD Now

To know more about health and beauty remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

About the Author:

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Foods to Avoid for Acid Reflux Treatment. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Zantac - Simple Cure For Bad Breath

Treating the basic cause of the bad breath will help eradicate the problem and the key is to find out the main disorder that is causing this. Digestive problems like acidity can cause bad breath and a simple ant acid will help in getting rid of the bad breath.

Bad breath is caused by peptic ulcers

Some times a certain bacteria in the body can cause other problems like digestive disorders too. A common problem is that of peptic ulcers where the person has reflux and also vomiting. This is also because of the acidity in the stomach and the food remaining undigested giving rise to gasses in the stomach which come up to the mouth. This causes bad breath. However, the cure for this is fairly simple as a drug like Zantac can bring the problem under control and get rid of the bad breath too.

How does Zantac cure bad breath?

Zantac helps in curing the acidity in the stomach which is aggravating the ulcer. With this the heart burn and reflux is reduced and also puts a stop to the odors that emit from these gasses in the stomach. Apart from Zantac an antibiotic may also be prescribed to treat the bacteria in the stomach and the ulcer will also disappear. With this combination in treating the problem the bad breath will be cured also. The main thing is to find out the cause of bad breath and treat it instead of only external solutions.

Consult a doctor for the problem

If a person has any chronic problem with their health it is always advisable to see their personal physician so that they can find out the underlying cause of the problem. Similarly if a person has bad breath accompanied with heart burn and other digestive problems like vomiting then it is better not to try just home remedies but to get expert advice. The doctor will probably have some tests done to diagnose the problem that is causing the bad breath and the heart burn. In case it is confirmed to be a digestive problem then Generic Zantac will help it immediately.

Though Zantac can be procured over the counter it has various strengths and it is better to consult the doctor before buying it for yourself. However, if there is going to be a delay in seeing the doctor then you can start on the medication while waiting for the final diagnosis. Make sure that you keep the doctor informed about the medicines that you have taken prior to seeing him.

Abhishek is an Oral Hygiene expert and he has got some great Bad Breath Cure Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 58 Pages Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Bad Breath" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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Top Five Acid Reflux Medications

Acid reflux is a serious disease which, luckily, can be treated by a variety of ways, including medications. There are many types of medications available which aim to lessen or stop acid reflux attacks by suppressing the production of too much acids in the body.

The most commonly known medications for acid reflux include the following:

1. Antacids. These drugs are used to neutralize the acids in the digestive tract and also for relief of mild symptoms,including occasional episodes of indigestion and heartburn. They also strengthen the defensive activities of our stomach by gathering the secretion of mucous and bicarbonate. You can buy antacids most of the time without a medical prescription. Furthermore, these drugs are one of the first to be recommended by professionals to reduce the pain caused by heartburn or mild symptoms. Antacids are basically made from magnesium, calcium, and aluminum.

2. Acid suppressants. Examples of this are histamine blockers. Histamine blockers ruin the production of stomach acids by alienating the actions of histamine. Histamine is basically a chemical in the body that promotes the production and secretion of acids in the stomach. They can be bought even without a doctor's prescription in your local drug store. Patients have to wait for 30 to 90 minutes for these drugs to fully take effect, which then lasts six to twenty-four hours. In case a person is experiencing severe symptoms, he may have to take two dosages a day. Some studies reveal that histamine blockers can improve asthmatic symptoms in those who endure from both acid reflux and asthma.

But you have to remember that, in a study dated 2001, it was indicated that histamine blockers occasionally impart complete relief of symptoms for dyspepsia and heartburn.

3. Proton pump inhibitors. They act to decrease the production of stomach acids by reacting with the cells found in the stomach wall which produce and secrete acids into the stomach. However, findings have revealed that the use of proton pump inhibitors poses some concerns. Side effects, although uncommon, include diarrhea, headache, itching, and nausea. Lastly, these drugs are not good for pregnant and breast-feeding mothers.

4. Agents shield the mucus lining in the gastrointestinal region. This kind of drug acts by attaching to an ulcer crater so that it will be protected from damage brought by digestive acids. It is advisable for people undergoing maintenance therapy with mild or moderate acid reflux conditions. But it has minor side effects, including constipation.

5. Anti-spasm drugs avoid acid and even non-acid reflux. A gamma-amino acid butyric acid agonist, an anti-spasm drug is generally used to abate the spasms in the muscles. Unlike most medicines used for acid reflux, it can also reduce non-acid refluxes and amplify the pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter, a muscle that separates the esophagus from the stomach and prevents backing up of stomach contents.

Would you like to know the best natural acid reflux treatment? It's the ebook "Heartburn No More" by Jeff Martin, who has found a totally holistic way of curing acid reflux. This has helped thousands of other people get rid of their acid reflux forever, and you might, too. Read my review on it on my Acid Reflux Natural Cure lens.

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Friday, November 14, 2008

How to Effectively Eliminate Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a digestive condition where the acid or the liquid content of the stomach goes to the esophagus. The symptoms can be very painful and disturbing. Symptoms include chest pain, heartburn, regurgitation, nausea, sore throat and dyspepsia. It is important to find a way to eliminate acid reflux to get rid of these annoying symptoms.

Sufferers have different ways of dealing with acid reflux but the most important thing is find a treatment that will work for you. Here are some of the ways to eliminate acid reflux:

Medication. There are over-the-counter and prescription antacids that can help you get immediate relief or eliminate acid reflux. The drawback of this is that some people go through trial and error process just to find the right medication that will work for them. Different medications work differently on different people, it is best to talk to your doctor about the severity of your condition to know what kind of medicine is suited for your condition. Some people find antacid effective but there are also some sufferers who are concern with the prolong us of medicines.

Lifestyle change. If you do not want to be dependent on medicines, lifestyle change is another way to eliminate acid reflux. Some people are not into medicines if the illness can be treated naturally with lifestyle change. They understand that in some cases medicines offer only immediate or short term relief. A lifestyle change is more of a long term relief or permanent solution to eliminate acid reflux. Some of the changes that you can do are quit smoking, reduce stress, get enough sleep, reduce or abstain from alcohol, avoid foods that increase acid in the stomach and avoid eating too much.

It is important to find a treatment that will work for you to eliminate acid reflux.  An easy-to follow natural method to eliminate acid reflux is also another option if you have tried almost everything and still suffering from acid reflux. To get rid of acid reflux for good using natural methods visit Stop Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD Now

To know more about health and beauty remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

About the Author:

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including How to Effectively Eliminate Acid Reflux. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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Acid Reflux Cures- Discover the Best Natural Heartburn Remedies

Before we learn about the acid reflux cures, or about the natural heartburn remedies, we need to understand what acid reflux means and how exactly it is caused. Well, the food that we consume travels from our mouth to our stomach via the food pipe or the esophagus. The peristaltic movement of the muscles in the alimentary canal, allow the movement of the bolus only in one direction, that is, from the mouth towards the intestine, and finally the anus. The movement of the bolus from the esophagus to the stomach is controlled by a ring of muscle known as the ‘Lower Esophageal Sphincter Muscle’, which is present just at the juncture of the esophagus and the stomach. It usually allows the food to pass only one way from the mouth to the stomach. Its main function is to prevent the contents of the stomach to travel back into the food pipe, and thereby aid in the digestion process. However, sometimes, due to a spicy and fatty diet, or due to a poor lifestyle (late night dinner, just before going to bed; a very heavy and stuffing dinner; alcohol consumption, too many chocolates, obesity, very little water intake, etc), the lower esophageal sphincter muscle gets weakened and the stomach contents tend to leak back into the esophagus. When the contents of the stomach (and the digestive juices that are present in the stomach), leak back or get refluxed into the esophagus, then it is known as acid reflux or GERD, which results in a painful burning sensation in the esophageal area and even in the throat. This painfulness or burning sensation that arises in the chest, right at the back of the sternum, is known as ‘heartburn’.

With so many different types of acid reflux medicines available for treating heartburn and acid reflux symptoms, people often get confused while selecting the best acid reflux medicines, which can provide them with the most reliable and effective acid reflux cures. Moreover, prolonged use of these medicines, as in the case of chronic acid reflux patients is dangerous. For instance, prolonged use of antacids can lead to the formation of stones in the kidneys. So, it becomes even more difficult for people suffering from chronic acid reflux problem to identify and stick on with such a treatment option, which is not only safe (even on prolonged use), but is also capable of curing the root cause of the problem.

In fact, there are several different treatment options available, for people suffering from acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), including lifestyle modifications, non-prescription over the counter medicines for heartburn, acid reflux medication (which is duly prescribed by a doctor), home remedies and natural remedies for acid reflux as well as surgery (in such chronic cases, where there is hardly any relief from heartburn, inspite of prolonged period of appropriate medications).

There are several natural heartburn remedies which are highly effective in curing heartburn symptoms. Some of these natural acid reflux cures include – the use of aloe vera for acid reflux. This practice is scientifically supported because of the natural curative properties of aloe vera, which helps sooth your heartburn and also cure your acid reflux problem completely. Just drink a quarter cup of aloe vera juice a few minutes before your meal and experience the soothing effect it has on your mucous membrane. The aloe vera juice is capable of relieving the symptoms of acid reflux as well as healing ulcerations in the esophagus, which develop as a result of frequent episodes of reflux of digestive acids into the esophagus. The use of aloe vera for acid reflux has become even more popular owing to the fact that aloe vera also improves the functionality of the lower esophageal sphincter muscle and helps cure the root cause of the acid reflux disease.

Natural heartburn cures include another excellent option – taking apple cider vinegar, which mimics the digestive acids in the stomach, and thus, promotes easier digestion of the food, thereby preventing chances of acid reflux. Similarly, eating raw almonds and raw apple is considered to be highly effective acid reflux cures. Similarly, acid reflux herbs such as fennel tea, one table spoon of mustard, papaya enzymes, licking ginger juice mixed with honey, and several other natural heartburn remedies are also equally helpful in controlling heartburn.

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For more information on Natural Cure For Acid Reflux, try visiting – it is a website offering solid tips and information on different acid reflux treatments and home remedies.

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Natural Cures for Acid Reflux

Even healthy individuals have heartburn sensations from time to time. It is very important to take those symptoms seriously otherwise it can develop into acid reflux disease. Fortunately there are natural cures for acid reflux and heartburn. I have outlined a few of them that were most powerful to eliminate heartburn for me.
1. Take two or three onions and two cups of water. Cut the onion in small pieces. Boil the water and cook onion for thirty minutes. Drink the water after it cools down. It will help not only with acid reflux but it has healing power for kidneys and liver. It even can dissolve kidney stones.

2. Take 1 kiwi, 1/4 cantaloupe, 1 banana, and a little bit of ginger root. Mix them all together. Drink it every morning. It will give you refreshing feeling after you wake up with the heartburn.

3. Very effective remedy is juice made from the roots of fresh celery. Squeeze the juice and drink two tablespoons three times a day before meal. In three or four weeks it should eliminate the burning sensations in your stomach.

4. Another very effective natural remedy is fresh potato. If you are having heartburn not very often you can simply chew small pieces of potato. If you want to make this remedy even more effective squeeze the juice out of potato and drink it. It is important to drink it fresh squeezed to keep all the powerful elements in it.

5. It is also very important to change your diet and lifestyle habits. Otherwise any acid reflux relief will be temporary.

By: Otto Conzemius

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If you are serious about curing your acid reflux disease. Take natural cure for acid reflux program. By naturally re-balancing your inner system and following the specific steps outlined in the program acid reflux and all its symptoms will progressively and completely vanish.

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Acid Reflux Reduction Take the Natural Way

Acid reflux or heartburn is becoming one of the most widely spread ailments. There are tow medical conditions that cause acid reflux. One condition is when stomach acid flow back into the esophagus. However this acid flow does not lead to acid reflux disease by itself. It actually can occur to healthy individuals as well. Along with the first condition the second one is necessary to create a disease. This condition occurs when a lower esophageal sphincter malfunctions. It acts as a valve between the stomach and esophagus. When it doesn’t close perfectly stomach acid flows back into esophagus continuously. That creates acid reflux disease.

Acid reflux disease can be treated in three ways: medical therapy, surgery, and holistic treatment. An option with surgery should be taken very carefully. It can actually create further complications. On the other hand holistic therapy including diet and lifestyle changes can lead to permanent and complete acid reflux reduction.

The following three tips will help you significantly reduce acid reflux symptoms.

1. First of all you need to make certain changes in your diet. We are what we eat. The foods we eat have a great impact on our body’s state. Some foods support the symptoms of acid reflux while others decrease those symptoms. You can tremendously reduce your acid reflux simply by avoiding those foods that worsen it. The following are examples of these types of foods:
- high-fat foods
- coffee
- alcohol

2. Second thing you need to do is to change your lifestyle habits. It is well known fact that most heartburn sufferers have acid reflux attacks during sleep at night. To reduce the chances of having attacks at night have your last meal no later than two-three hours before going to bed. After having meal go for a walk this will help the stomach acid to stay where it belongs.

By: Otto Conzemius

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3. The last thing you need to do is take acid reflux reduction program. It will help you to neutralize the environment that triggers acid reflux and its symptoms. Going through simple steps of this program your heartburn disease will gradually but permanently vanish

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nighttime Acid Reflux Attacks

Acid reflux disease is becoming more and more “popular” lately. Millions of people have heartburn at least once a week. More than 80% of them have night time acid reflux attacks. If you have these attacks consistently try to use the following tips.

1. Adjust your diet and eating habits
Heartburn or acid reflux is a complex problem. Therefore try to take a complex approach. You need to revise your diet. Make it a habit to have a meal no later than two or three hours before going to bed. It helps to reduce acid during the night.

2. Adjust your position during sleep
It makes reflux worse if you lay flat on your bed. You need to slip with elevated torso. Nighttime reflux attacks are caused by exposure of esophagus to stomach acid. In a flat position esophagus under long exposure of acid that makes it worse. Another good thing would be to sleep on your left side. Recent research shows that acidity increases while patient sleeps on right side and decreases while he sleeps on his left side.

3. Natural morning remedy for acid reflux
After you wake up in the morning having those burning sensation make yourself the following drink. Take 1/4 cantaloupe, 1 banana, 1 kiwi and a little bit of ginger root mix it together. You will appreciate the refreshing feeling after you wake up with the heartburn. Actually I suggest drinking it every morning regardless of the fact if you had a reflux attack last night or not.

By: Otto Conzemius

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4. Take a holistic cure program
If you are really serious about getting rid of your nighttime acid reflux attacks you need to take step by step program that will eliminate your nighttime acid reflux attacks permanently. Since any disease is a complex problem this system takes a complex approach eliminating the surface symptoms as well as root cause of the disease.

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Holistic Treatment for Acid Reflux

Millions of people suffer from acid reflux disease. Any person is familiar with heartburn sensation. If it is not taken seriously it can develop into disease. Unfortunately many traditional methods do not deal with the root cause of this disease. They just eliminate the superficial symptoms.

But all forms of acid reflux and its symptoms can be cured with natural means. Heartburn and its symptoms should be treated as a complex disease that has multidimensional root cause. In other words it’s not just a problem with your stomach or throat. The actual source of disease is much dipper.

First of all we need to understand that any illness is a signal from our body that something is going wrong. We need to learn to recognize those signs on early stages. Once we know that our body out of balance our effort should be applied to bringing it back to the balanced state. It can be done using holistic treatment for acid reflux. You can use holistic approach following these three steps.

1. Get rid of acid reflux symptoms
First thing what you need to do is to relive the pain and symptoms of the disease such as burning sensations, inflammation, etc. Before you proceed to the next steps you need to eliminate those symptoms. They are on the surface. Most traditional approaches stop here after alleviating the pain. It is important to understand that without the next steps heartburn and other symptoms will return.

2. Adjust your diet to treat acid reflux
You need to make necessary dietary changes. It will optimize your digestion and strengthen your immune system. In order to succeed in treating acid reflux the following items must be reduced or eliminated completely from your diet:
- Coffee increases the acidity in stomach.
- Alcohol irritates the stomach.
- Fat food takes longer to digest that increases the probability of acid flow back into esophagus.

By: Otto Conzemius

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3. Detox and alkalize your organism
You need to cleanse your system to bring the natural balance back into your body. You can do it by following the simple steps outlined in the holistic treatment for acid reflux program. This program will help you neutralize the environment that triggers reflux and your heartburn condition. You will be surprised how all its symptoms will slowly but permanently disappear.

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Acid Reflux Cures and Causes