Sunday, October 5, 2008

Acid Reflux Disease What You Absolutely Must Know

Many people make the mistake of trying to address acid reflux disease by merely eating antacids. Although this might provide some temporary relief, if your symptoms are ongoing, you really need to consider stronger treatment. Acid Reflux Disease is a frustrating disease which impacts many. To help you find the relief you deserve, here a few things you should know about acid reflux disease:

1. Do not think you can’t get relief.
Although there may not currently be a cure for acid reflux disease, this does not mean that you can’t do anything about. Modern medicine and a few lifestyle changes can work wonders in reducing the negative effects associated with acid reflux and also reduce the number of occurrences. This alone is great news for acid reflux disease sufferers.

2. Many people swear by natural remedies for acid reflux.
If you were thinking that only conventional medicine could help you, you may be mistaken. A growing list of individuals believe various natural remedies can help treat and prevent acid reflux. This gives all people with acid reflux another way to get help. In addition, natural remedies tend to be relatively inexpensive, less likely to have any harmful side effects and do not require a doctor’s visit. This results in them being an ideal treatment for many people.

3. Diet and eating patterns changes can help with acid reflux.
By adjusting the times when you eat certain foods and choosing foods that are easier to digest and low in acid, you can set yourself up to be less likely to have acid reflux recurrences. For instance, by avoiding eating at least 2 hours before bed, you give your stomach enough time to break down previously eaten meals. This results in less of a chance for acid to be regurgitated back into your esophagus while sleeping. This translates into less chance for heartburn and a better night’s sleep. These are things all acid reflux disease suffers will want more of.

4. Your sleeping position can help reduce the onset of acid reflux.
Your body has its own set of natural defenses to help keep acid in your stomach away from your esophagus. The most obvious example of this is that when you are upright, gravity takes effect and forces the acid back into your stomach. Unfortunately, when you are sleeping, you are horizontal and this natural defense is not as effective. Therefore, one thing you can do to help is sleep at a slight incline. This can be done by using a bed that is on a very slight incline or merely by using a pillowing that raises your head slightly. Both examples would create a slight incline in your body which would let gravity take effect and allow any regurgitated acid to flow back into your stomach. The result will be reduced damage to your esophagus and less risk of other acid reflux symptoms.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to start considering different acid reflux treatments. Regardless of whether you decide to use conventional or natural remedies, you should choose a comprehensive approach that includes changes to your diet and sleeping. With this type of comprehensive approach, you are far more likely to get lasting relief against acid reflux disease.

By: Frank D. Miller

Article Directory:

For more information on Acid Reflux Disease, try visiting – it is a website offering solid tips and information on different acid reflux treatments and home remedies.

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