Thursday, November 6, 2008

Acid Reflux Reduction Take the Natural Way

Acid reflux or heartburn is becoming one of the most widely spread ailments. There are tow medical conditions that cause acid reflux. One condition is when stomach acid flow back into the esophagus. However this acid flow does not lead to acid reflux disease by itself. It actually can occur to healthy individuals as well. Along with the first condition the second one is necessary to create a disease. This condition occurs when a lower esophageal sphincter malfunctions. It acts as a valve between the stomach and esophagus. When it doesn’t close perfectly stomach acid flows back into esophagus continuously. That creates acid reflux disease.

Acid reflux disease can be treated in three ways: medical therapy, surgery, and holistic treatment. An option with surgery should be taken very carefully. It can actually create further complications. On the other hand holistic therapy including diet and lifestyle changes can lead to permanent and complete acid reflux reduction.

The following three tips will help you significantly reduce acid reflux symptoms.

1. First of all you need to make certain changes in your diet. We are what we eat. The foods we eat have a great impact on our body’s state. Some foods support the symptoms of acid reflux while others decrease those symptoms. You can tremendously reduce your acid reflux simply by avoiding those foods that worsen it. The following are examples of these types of foods:
- high-fat foods
- coffee
- alcohol

2. Second thing you need to do is to change your lifestyle habits. It is well known fact that most heartburn sufferers have acid reflux attacks during sleep at night. To reduce the chances of having attacks at night have your last meal no later than two-three hours before going to bed. After having meal go for a walk this will help the stomach acid to stay where it belongs.

By: Otto Conzemius

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3. The last thing you need to do is take acid reflux reduction program. It will help you to neutralize the environment that triggers acid reflux and its symptoms. Going through simple steps of this program your heartburn disease will gradually but permanently vanish

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Acid Reflux Cures and Causes