Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Good Acid Reflux Diet

Acid reflux is a medical condition that is usually caused by the foods that we consume. In order to avoid the painful symptoms it is important that we consume the foods that will help to avoid them.

Acid reflux is a problem that causes heartburn. This is only one of the more negative symptoms that is induced when the acid contained in the stomach - that is utilized to break down the food - journeys back up to the esophagus. This stimulates the chest and throat to burn painfully and for some individuals that pain is often unendurable.

There are numerous things that have the ability to induce this condition - but some of the more average has to do with the food that we consume. That is why several physicians will place acid reflux patients on a special diet to fend off or moderate the symptoms. We have supplied a list below of the most ordinary foods that are counted to be healthy when trying to fight off this condition and the symptoms connected with it.


Green Beans
Baked Potatoes


Fresh and dried apples
Apple juice

Dairy Products

Low-fat soy cheese
Goat or feta cheese
Low-fat sour cream
Low-fat cream cheese


Extra-lean ground beef
London broil steak
Skinless chicken breast
Egg whites
Egg substitute


Corn bread
Graham crackers
Multi-grain bread
Bran cereal or oatmeal
White or brown rice
Rice cakes


Mineral water

Make a point to talk with your physician when working to determine the healthiest acid reflux diet that will help you. They will be willing to provide you a more complete list of the foods to deflect and how much of the good food you should eat up everyday. It is possible that they will also need to prescribe you some medicine to help combat the symptoms.

Article Tags:
Acid Reflux Diet, Acid Reflux, Reflux Diet

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Learn what Causes Acid Reflux and how you can treat it with the perfect Diet for Acid Reflux.

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